Trusteeship: March/April

Volume 29,  Number 2   //    March/April 2021

Table of Contents 


Special 100th Anniversary Issue


AGB Celebrates 100 Years
The year 2021 marks an exceptional milestone in the history of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB)—the association was officially founded 100 years ago.

A Short Early History of AGB 

AGB Today and Tomorrow 


Governing Higher Education Systems in Perilous Times
Assessing Your Board’s Readiness and Capacity for Strategic Change
By James H. Page and Barbara Brittingham

Higher education governing boards face a plethora of challenges, but boards of public institutions face the additional likelihood of substantially reduced state support in fiscal year 2022 and beyond. Board assessment is more important than ever. This article explores a series of questions to help provide a framework for board self-assessment regarding board responsibility, authority, and culture; board capacity; and board planning and accountability.

Racial Tensions Between Presidents and Governing Boards
By Shaun R. Harper

Through activism and other efforts, generations of collegians have challenged higher education leaders to address long-standing racial issues on campuses. Most colleges and universities have made measurable progress on their pursuits of equity, diversity, and inclusion goals. However, many college and university presidents still face a specific issue: negotiating the advancement of racial equity agendas with uncommitted and resistant governing boards. This article explores four common questions that board members reportedly raise to presidents.

A Novel Risk Paradigm
By Steve K. Stoute

Higher education is facing multiple crises and many believe the very business model is unsustainable. The path forward in the face of such significant challenges—declining enrollments, shifting demographics, reduced public funding, eroding public confidence, market disruption, and a social justice movement—requires imagination and innovation. Trustees have a critical role to play in securing the path to prosperity for their institutions and it starts by changing the way the governing board thinks about risk.

Six Boards that Met the Moment
The 2021 John W. Nason Award Winners
By Christopher Connell

AGB honors the six winners of the annual AGB John W. Nason Award for Board Leadership, an honor for boards who have demonstrated innovation, foresightedness, and determination in fulfilling their role as the financial stewards of their institution’s future as well as their current course.


On My Agenda 

Celebrating 100 Years of Empowering Strategic Board Governance
By Henry Stoever

News in Brief 
A sampling of national higher education news 

Inside AGB
AGB gears up for the 2021 Virtual National Conference on Trusteeship
Podcast on campaign planning for community colleges

Legal Standpoint  
Change and the Law on Campus
By Steve Dunham

Adapt and Thrive
By William A. Laramee

Academics on the Board: A Personal View
By Robert A. Scott

Focus on the Presidency
The College of the Future
By Jeffrey R. Docking

View from the Board Chair
Leading in Challenging Times, Creating New Opportunities
By Nicole Washington

A Question For…
Paul N. Friga
How much has COVID-19 cost higher education?
By Elena Loveland