Trusteeship: May/June
Volume 29, Number 3 // May/June 2021
Table of ContentsÂ
What Kind of Board Member Are You?
By Marla J. Bobowick
During a year-long process, AGB developed and published the Principles of Trusteeship—a set of nine principles designed to enhance the effectiveness of individual board members. It is AGB’s hope that board members will adopt these principles as bedrock and then apply them to their needs and circumstances throughout their board service. Understanding these principles can help each individual trustee serve their board and institution to the best of their ability.
Developing a Personal Trustee Development Plan
By David Richard Moore
Trusteeship goes beyond just serving on a board. Each institution has definitive strategic priorities that each trustee must navigate. Learning how to become most effective as a trustee as a board tackles these strategic priorities can be challenging, but developing a personalized trustee development plan can be a roadmap for building the knowledge and skills necessary for successful board service.
Strategic Board Leadership for the Post-Pandemic Institution: Mission-Focused, Market(s)-Driven, and Data-Informed
By Marsha V. Krotseng, Charles P. Ruch, and Cathleen Ruch
As institutional stewards, governing boards are responsible for guiding colleges and universities through the post-pandemic environment. A clear vision is an essential part of any institution’s long-term strategy and future success. An effective vision should be mission-focused, market(s)-driven, and data-informed.
In Tough Times, Schools Look to Lawyer Trustees to Lead
By Patricia E. Salkin
Over the last 30 years, colleges and universities have increasingly appointed lawyers to governing boards. Due to an increasing litigious environment, it is likely that there will continue to be more trustees with legal backgrounds. Governing boards should be aware of the advantages of lawyer trustees and understand how to efficiently maximize their legal talent.
Crossing the Line: The Challenges of Addressing University Faculty Free Speech
By Saundra K. Schuster
On My Agenda
Trusteeship and Inclusion
By Henry Stoever
News in BriefÂ
A sampling of national higher education newsÂ
Inside AGB
AGB’s Board of Directors Release a New Statement on Justice, Equity, and Inclusion
AGB Publishes the Principles of Trusteeship
AGB Releases the 2020 AGB Survey of Board ProfessionalsÂ
Legal StandpointÂ
Ethics and Higher Education Lawyers
By Steve Dunham
Foundations of Consequence Â
The Importance of Building a Strategic Endowment Plan for Community Colleges
By Walter J. Dillingham, Jr.
Focus on the Presidency
Equalizing the Student Experience
By Kathleen McCartney
A Question For…
Richard Chait, PhD
How Has AGB Influenced Higher Education Governance in the Last 100 Years?
By Elena Loveland