The Guardians InitiativeTM:
Promoting the value of higher education.
AGB launched The Guardians Initiative to involve college and university trustees in countering growing skepticism about the value of higher education. This campaign seeks to create a new force of influential, informed citizens who can speak with independent credibility about the genuine benefits of higher education to individuals and to society.
Tools to help you take action.
Learn how your institution and board can become engaged as Guardians.
Briefs & Research→
Resources to help educate your board and the general public
The Value of Higher Ed→
Topical collections that help you explain the value of the higher education enterprise
Guardians Toolkit→
Four steps to help you get started as a Guardian
Leadership & Support→
The corporate and government leaders who guide The Guardians Initiative
Watch our Guardians in action.
View videos that share more about The Guardians Initiative.
Guardians Case Study:
Oregon State University
Guardians Case Study:
A Guardian’s Perspective:
Norm Augustine