2025 Foundation Leadership Forum: Schedule

January 29–31, 2025
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
Washington, DC

Check out the program schedule.

Browse the Forum schedule below. Please check back for updates as we continue to finalize programming. As you plan your travel, we encourage you to arrive in time to participate in workshops and peer group meetings during the afternoon of Wednesday, January 29, 2025, and stay through Friday afternoon to take advantage of one of the deep-dive workshops taking place 1:15–3:30 PM ET on January 31.

Wednesday, January 29

1:00 – 4:00 PM ET | Workshop: Roadmap to Success for Foundation Board Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Chairs-Elect

Consistently cited as one of the most valuable sessions of the Forum, this workshop will address the special roles and responsibilities of foundation board chairs. Learn strategies for fostering effective board leadership, forging an effective partnership with the foundation chief executive, troubleshooting common board challenges, and elevating the work of the board and committees.

(This session is intended for foundation board chairs, vice chairs, and chairs-elect.)

1:00 – 4:00 PM ET | Workshop: Endowment Governance

While foundation board members often have a wealth of investment expertise, they may lack experience as fiduciaries of a college or university endowment. This workshop, intended for board and staff leaders, will provide an overview of the governance principles applicable to the management of institutional endowments and highlight best practices for high-performing foundation investment committees.

Topics will include:

  • How higher education endowments differ from other types of investments and the fiduciary and other standards applicable to the staff and board members responsible for endowment oversight
  • Different management structures (committee and consultants, in-house investment office, outsourced CIO)
  • The role of the investment committee and the responsibilities of committee chairs, members, and staff
  • The investment policy statement
  • Aligning investment strategy with the institution’s mission, needs, and priorities
  • Best practices for high-performing investment committees and successful endowment management

The interactive workshop will provide ample time for questions and discussion.

1:15 – 2:45 PM ET | Workshop: Roadmap to Success for New Foundation Chief Executives

CEOs who are new to the role will learn from seasoned foundation leaders about the challenges and opportunities they will encounter, questions they should be asking about the organizations they’re leading, and critical conversations they should be having with their board, institution leaders, and other constituents.

1:15 – 2:45 PM ET | Workshop: Roadmap to Success for Future Foundation Executives

Prospective foundation executives will gain an understanding of the role foundation leadership team members play in supporting, engaging, and leveraging the board. Participants will learn from industry experts about the qualities boards and institutional leaders seek in candidates for CEO and other cabinet-level staff, questions they should ask about prospective foundation leadership opportunities, and practices for successfully navigating search processes.

(This session is intended for senior foundation staff below the level of chief executive who aspire to become a foundation CEO.)

1:45 – 2:45 PM ET | Welcome for First-Time Attendees

First-time Forum attendees are invited to join this session and learn from Forum veterans about how to make the most of their conference experience and the other services and resources available to AGB member foundations. The session will include:

  • A preview of the 2025 Foundation Leadership Forum program, highlighting sessions that may be of particular value for first-time attendees
  • A discussion about how to make the most of your Forum experience and put insights to work in future board and committee work
  • An overview of AGB member services and resources to enhance board leadership and foundation effectiveness

2:45 – 3:00 PM ET | Break

3:00 – 4:00 PM ET | Peer Groups

Peer group convenings provide an opportunity to meet and build relationships with colleagues from similar foundations (or filling similar roles) and learn how they are addressing common challenges and opportunities. Facilitators will canvass the group to identify issues of interest and facilitate discussion among participants. Attendees are encouraged to come prepared to share their questions, innovations, and insights. Peer group sessions, except those focused on specific professional roles, are intended for both board members and foundation staff.

Integrated Foundations

(generally smaller foundations operating as a closely integrated component of the institution)

Operationally Independent Foundations Responsible for Fundraising

(generally mid-sized foundations with more independent operations responsible for fundraising)

Operationally Independent Foundations with Limited or No Fundraising Responsibility

(operationally independent foundations that are not responsible for fundraising programs)

4:00 – 4:30 PM ET | Break

4:30 – 4:45 PM ET | Welcome

4:45 – 5:30 PM ET | Opening Keynote Conversation

Fueling Positive Change and Democratic Ideals

The 2025 Forum opens with a conversation between Michael Powell and Matthew Lambert reflecting on higher education as an exemplar of democratic values and as an agent for positive and inclusive change, creating better futures for students and the nation. Powell will share insights on governance and leadership from his experience as rector of the Board of Visitors of William & Mary, chair of the William & Mary Foundation, and as chair of the Mayo Clinic Board of Trustees. Powell will also draw on his experience as president of NCTA – The Internet & Television Association, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, chief of staff of the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice and a policy adviser to the secretary of defense.

Matthew Lambert, CEO, William & Mary Foundation; senior vice president, university advancement, William & Mary
Michael Powell, chair emeritus, William & Mary Foundation; rector emeritus, William & Mary

5:30 – 7:00 PM ET | Opening Reception

Thursday, January 30

7:15 – 8:30 AM ET | Breakfast Meetings

With thanks to AGB Mission Champion AGB Search

AGB Search logo

8:45 – 9:40 AM ET | Plenary 2: The Elephant/Donkey in the Room

The 2024 campaign, unprecedented in many ways, presented widely divergent views on higher education, the role of the federal government, and a host of other issues of concern to college and university leaders. This session will discuss the current political climate and public policy outlook for higher education in the early days of the 47th presidential administration.

9:40 – 9:55 AM ET | Nason Award Announcement

9:55 – 10:15 AM ET | Break

10:15 – 11:05 AM ET | Concurrent Sessions 1

11:05 – 11:25 AM ET | Break

11:25 AM – 12:15 PM ET | Concurrent Sessions 2

12:15 – 1:30 PM ET | Lunch

1:30 – 2:30 PM ET | Luncheon Plenary: Growing Next-Generation Philanthropy

Giving to public higher ed has been growing for decades, but we could be facing what some are calling a “donor cliff.” Millennials are on track to be the wealthiest generation in history, but younger generations account for a growing share of alumni and disproportionately small proportion of donors and dollars contributed to colleges and universities. Younger donors are also more diverse and may have different approaches to philanthropy than the previous generations that have driven the growth of campaigns and endowments. Our panel will share trends in next-generation philanthropy, ways institutions are working to engage the next generation of donors, and identify questions boards should be asking about their donor pipelines and alumni engagement strategies.

2:30 – 2:50 PM ET | Break

2:50 – 3:40 PM ET | Concurrent Sessions 3

3:40 – 4:00 PM ET | Break

4:00 – 5:15 PM ET | Plenary 4: The Global Outlook for Endowments

At mid-year, major indexes were up, inflation was decelerating, and investors were bullish. Looking ahead, investment strategists are asking about concentrated markets, the likelihood that stocks may be optimistically valued, uncertainty stemming from global elections and geopolitical crises, the momentum of artificial intelligence and its long-term impact on economic growth, and the impact of changing demographics and infrastructure needs.

In this session, three leading investment strategists will share their perspectives on the market outlook for the year ahead, the primary factors likely to impact returns, and opportunities for long-term investors. The three will then come together for a facilitated discussion and Q&A on the implications for boards and investment committees.

5:15 – 7:00 PM ET | Cocktail Reception

Friday, January 31

7:30 – 8:45 AM ET | Breakfast

7:30 – 8:30 AM ET | Friday Breakfast Meetings

Roadmap for Success for New Foundation Board Chairs and Chairs-Elect: Capstone Breakfast

AGB invites participants in Sunday afternoon’s workshop for board chairs, vice chairs, and chairs-elect to reconvene over breakfast on the last day of the Forum to tap the collective wisdom of the group regarding innovative approaches to advance the top strategic priorities they may be addressing during their tenure as chairs.

With thanks to AGB Mission Champion AGB Search

AGB Search logo

8:45 – 9:50 AM ET | Plenary 5: Why We’re Here: Better Futures for Students

Public faith in the value of higher education has declined sharply, but its fundamental value proposition remains compelling. A commitment to access, affordability, and success for all students is central to the mission of public colleges and universities. This session will explore the ways institutions and foundations are partnering to sustain their efforts to support student success in a fraught regulatory and political climate.

9:50 – 10:10 AM ET | Break

10:10 – 11:00 AM ET | Concurrent Sessions 4

11:00 – 11:20 AM ET | Break

11:20 AM – 12:10 PM ET | Concurrent Sessions 5

1:15 – 3:30 PM ET | Workshops

Foundation Strategy and Planning

“Strategic planning” may conjure images of a months-long process resulting in a massive plan full of tactics and goals that may or may not serve as a valuable guide for the work of board and staff leaders. While foundations may not need a comprehensive “strategic plan,” they definitely need a strategic compass: a roadmap to provide guidance and focus to boards working to enhance their own governance practice, strengthen the performance of key foundation functions, and elevate the foundation’s ability to serve as a strategic mission partner to the institution. This workshop will present a streamlined approach to developing foundation strategy that is closely aligned with that of the institution and will share sample tools to help boards execute and monitor progress on plans.

Succession Planning for Foundations

Having succession plans in place can help ensure continuity and stability, mitigate risks stemming from unforeseen interruptions in leadership, and sustain relationships with institutional partners, donors, and other key constituents. Succession planning can, however, pose serious challenges for foundations that are staffed by university employees, have smaller staff counts and limited bench strength, and may not be engaged in the institution’s succession planning. This workshop will explore succession planning from the foundation perspectives, including:

  • Developing a “ready now and ready next” foundation CEO plan
  • Preparing for presidential transitions
  • Board leadership succession planning

Creating a Sustainable Foundation Business Model for a Dependent or Interdependent Foundation

Although legally and financially independent foundations have the capacity to fund all of their business and development/advancement operations, many—if not most—institutionally related foundations rely on direct funding from their partner institution and/or in-kind support in the form of staffing, accounting or technology services, use of office space, and other resources. In such contexts, developing a sustainable business model and necessary funding to invest in advancement capacity can be challenging. This interactive workshop will explore questions boards should be asking about their organization’s fiscal and financial model and will offer potential sources and processes to fund a sustainable business model to support growth and mitigate risk. Areas of focus will include:

  • Foundation business planning
  • Pros and cons of common funding sources
  • Leveraging restricted and unrestricted assets
  • Collaborating with institution partners and making the case for investment
  • Entrepreneurial ventures
  • Troubleshooting, red flags, and risk management

3:30 PM ET | Conference Adjourns

Register as a group and save.

Early bird pricing is available through September 30, 2024. Register now to reserve your spot in Washington, DC.

Early Bird Rate
Individual Member*


Early Bird Rate


Regular Rate
Individual Member*


Regular Rate


Nonmember Rate


*Member exclusive pricing.
**Three or more, members only. All members in the group must be registered at the same time. 

Key Dates

  • Early bird deadline: September 30, 2024
  • Deadline for cancellation: January 7, 2025

Cancellation Policy

This program is available only to registrants who are serving a higher education institution or foundation. Please contact registrar@AGB.org with any questions.

All cancellations and requests for refunds must be submitted in writing to cancellations@AGB.org and will be processed after the meeting. Requests for refunds must be received by close of business on January 7, 2025, to receive a full refund minus a $25 cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued for registrants who cancel after January 7, 2025. If you are unable to attend, a substitute is welcome in your place at no additional charge. AGB is not responsible for cancellations due to airline disruption, inclement weather, COVID-19, or schedule changes.

Group Discounts: If a cancellation causes the group to fall below the required three registrations, the refund will be issued minus the discount benefit received by the original group.

Hotel Information

AGB has secured a room block at the Marriott Marquis Washington, DC, for Foundation Leadership Forum attendees at a group rate of $249. Once registered, attendees will receive a link to book their hotel reservations. Reservations must be made online through this link to receive the group rate.

Reservations by attendees must be received by 5:00 PM ET, Tuesday, January 7, 2025.

With thanks to our 2025 sponsors.

View our 2025 sponsors and see how you can support the Foundation Leadership Forum.



AGB is committed to excellence in member service. Should you have questions about registering for the Foundation Leadership Forum, contact the AGB registrar.

Become a Member and Save

If you currently are not an AGB member but want to take advantage of member pricing, contact Matt Stevens, director of membership outreach.


To learn about sponsorship opportunities, contact Steve Abbott, senior director of partnerships.