Presidential Compensation: A Comprehensive Guide for Higher Education Governing Boards and Chief Executives
Foremost among the responsibilities of a college or university governing board is the recruitment, evaluation, and support of the institution’s president. This includes, fundamentally, providing for reasonable compensation of the president—a task that is now more challenging than ever, because …
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Restructuring Committees
Boards need to be just as nimble and adaptive as their institutions must be to meet the shifting challenges they face. The process of committee restructuring has thus become a central feature of effective board and committee practice and should …
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Assessing Board Performance: A Practical Guide for College, University, System, and Foundation Boards
Ensuring its own effectiveness is one of the board’s basic responsibilities, whether members are appointed or elected. This guide provides practical resources and expert advice to help boards identify areas of concern, strengthen their performance, and continually educate and renew …
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A Complete Guide to Presidential Search for Universities and Colleges (2nd Edition)
Rooted in current best practices, A Complete Guide to Presidential Search provides practical information and expert advice on planning a search, recruiting and evaluating candidates, selecting a president, and ensuring a successful transition. Intended primarily for university and college governing …
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What Board Members Need to Know About Cybersecurity
In the digital age, higher education institutions must guard against a complex array of risks, from data breaches to ransomware attacks. Designed specifically for members of college and university governing boards and to strengthen board capacity for effective oversight in …
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Advisory Councils in Higher Education
Governing board members face increasing, and sometimes competing, pressures to govern better, while also working to enhance their effectiveness as advocates and fundraisers. They are expected to bring specialized skills and experiences to the board table, while also giving more …
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The Role of the Board Professional
As the primary liaison, planner, adviser, and staffer of a governing board, the board professional plays a unique and critical role in higher education. This essential, yet often under-the-radar professional connects the board to the administration and the institution and …
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Strategic Thinking and Planning in Higher Education: A Focus on the Future
This text combines theories and interpretations of strategic thinking and planning with practical ways those ideas can be, and have been, implemented at colleges and universities as they focus on the future.
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Strategic Thinking Bundle
The fast-evolving realities of the higher education environment mandate that governing boards pay close attention to a wide range of interconnected factors. The four publications in this bundle contextualize the role of the board within this landscape and outline actionable …
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Legal Compliance Bundle
Higher education institutions today are faced with an unprecedented number of legal risks. As fiduciaries of their institutions, board members must understand these risks, as well as the processes and procedures by which the board addresses them. This bundle includes …
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