Highly Effective Boards
Empower your board to be highly effective.
Higher education is grappling with some fundamental shifts that require new, entrepreneurial thinking. How that plays out in the boardroom requires a willingness on the part of boards to take, and administrators to welcome, a fresh …
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Shared Governance
Engage your board in achieving a commonly supported mission through shared governance.
In higher education’s volatile environment, shared governance is essential. It adds substantial value to institutional progress and innovation. However, effective shared governance is about more than who is responsible for what. This …
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Board Orientation
Deliver a comprehensive and engaging board orientation to new trustees.
New board members have a lot to learn, from the responsibilities of trusteeship to understanding the vision, mission, values, and day-to-day operations of the institution. This guide provides general guidelines for the features and …
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Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical for fulfilling the missions of colleges, universities, and foundations.
Higher education boards must integrate justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion (JDE&I) into their institutional policies and practices to ensure student success and inclusivity of all campus constituencies …
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Board Member Terms
Understand best practices for board member terms.
Since 1969, AGB has tracked data on the composition, policies, and practices of governing boards of public and independent institutions. This guide outlines that data and provides some benchmarks for board member terms.
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Board Chair Terms
Understand best practices for board chair terms.
Since 1969, AGB has tracked data on the composition, policies, and practices of governing boards of public and independent institutions. This guide outlines that data and provides some benchmarks for board chair terms.
This resource is …
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Emeritus Trustees
The title "emeritus trustee" recognizes the exemplary service of former board members.
Honorary and emeritus trustees have completed their terms on their boards but continue to serve in special capacities. This guide outlines when a board should, and should not, award this honorary …
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Presidential Contracts
Well-crafted presidential compensation and benefit contracts provide a clear and solid basis for healthy working relationships and effective performance.
A presidential contract should be a comprehensive agreement that establishes all requirements and expectations between an institution, its governing board, and its …
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Governance Basics for Institutionally Related Foundations
The essential responsibilities and benchmarks for foundation boards.
Governing boards of institutionally related foundations are legally and ethically charged with responsibilities for leading their institutions. This guide outlines those responsibilities for board members at institutionally related foundations and provides some benchmarks for board size and diversity.
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Governance Basics for Independent Institutions
The essential responsibilities and benchmarks for independent institution boards.
Governing boards of independent colleges, universities, and systems are legally and ethically charged with responsibilities for leading their institutions. This guide outlines those responsibilities for board members at independent institutions and provides some benchmarks for board size and diversity.
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