The Development Committee
By Peyton R. Helm
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(Member Price $29.00)
Fundraising has become an essential component of institutions’ financial viability, particularly as government support shrinks. Institutional reputations and relations with constituents can be badly damaged by ineffective, clumsily implemented, or unethical fundraising practices. Because such missteps can have a profound effect on an institution’s long-term well-being, it has never been more important to have a well-designed, well-managed, and well-executed development program.
This publication is part of the Effective Committee Series, which is devoted to strengthening the role of key standing committees of governing boards. While there is no optimal committee system for institutions of higher education, certain principles, practices, and procedures prevail. The best practices outlined in this publication support the objectives of board committees: focused effort, informed decision making, and self-management.
A bulk discount is available for orders of 10 or more copies.
- Publication Year: 2012
- Number of Pages: 45
- A bulk discount is available for orders of 10 or more copies.