Trusteeship: January/February

Volume 20,  Number 1   //    January/February 2012

Table of Contents 



How Presidential Evaluations Must Change
By Terrence MacTaggart

Most evaluations of a president’s performance look backward, but colleges and universities face daunting problems today. Each evaluation should focus on the leader’s capacity to enable the institution to adapt to a continually changing environment.

New Strategies for Managing Risks: A Balancing Act for Boards
By Stephen Pelletier

Duke University’s administration and board have developed one of the most comprehensive approaches to risk management in higher education today.

Growing Demands for Public Records: How Should Boards Respond?
By Rachel Levinson-Waldman and Robert M. O’Neil

Freedom of Information Act requests are increasingly common in higher education, affecting public and independent institutions alike.

Making the Most of Presidential Transitions
By Theodore J. Marchese

The time between a president’s resignation and the next president’s assumption of office can be crucial. There is no best way to manage transitions, but too much is at stake for trustees to bury themselves in search and be bystanders to the rest.

The Chair and the New President: Getting the First Months Right
By Janet Morgan Riggs and Robert Duelks

How the president and chair work together can lay the groundwork for long-term presidential success. Gettysburg College’s President Janet Morgan Riggs and Board Chair Robert N. Duelks speak with candor about their efforts.

Governing During an Institutional Crisis: 10 Fundamental Principles
By Lawrence White

Higher education administrators and board members run a gantlet today when their campuses confront crises worthy of national news-media coverage.


T’Ship 101
Preparing for an IRS Audit of Executive Compensation Decisions
By Raymond D. Cotton

Legal Standpoint
The Whys and Wherefores of Whistleblowing
By Lawrence White

Focus on the Presidency
When, and Why, to Strategically Lower Tuition
By Edwin Welch

View from the Board Chair
Against the Wind: Governing Your University in an Era of Limited Financial Resources
By David W. Miles

The Big Risk in Not Assessing Risk
By Merrill P. Schwartz

A Question For…
Senator Lamar Alexander
What Do American Auto Manufacturers and Higher Ed Have in Common?