Trusteeship: January/February

Volume 21,  Number 1   //    January/February 2013

Table of Contents 



Mission, MOOCs, & Money
By Kenneth C. Green

In higher education boardrooms all across the country, people are grappling with what the advent of MOOCs—massive open online courses—means to their institutions. Campus officials and board members who want to develop or expand online education efforts would do well to take a long-term, strategic view of issues and opportunities.

Different Approaches to Online Education
By Julie Bourbon

Religion’s Return to Higher Education: A Primer
By Douglas Jacobsen and Rhonda Hustedt Jacobsen

After decades of largely ignoring the subject, colleges and universities across the country are re-engaging religion. The authors of No Longer Invisible: Religion in University Education describe what they learned about religion’s new visibility and point out the key educational questions that religion raises for board members and other leaders at colleges and universities.

Welcoming New Board Members: 15 Tips for Better Orientations
By Stephen G. Pelletier

Among all the programs and events that a college or university conducts in a given year, the orientation of new board members probably ranks relatively low in the amount of attention and planning it gets from top administrators. But the strength of a board depends on an effective orientation (and continuing education) program.

What Board Members Say about Trustee Education
By William M. Griffin and Rebecca S. Lake

A Tale of Two Cities: Using Public-Private Partnerships to Create Higher Education Opportunities
By Stephen M. Jordan, Charles A. Shorter, and Iris Weinshall

Public institutions have never been under more pressure to find alternative sources of revenue to help close the resources gap resulting from lower state appropriations. Trusteeship asked leaders at public institutions in two different cities to describe how public-private partnerships are helping further their goals.


Public Policy Update
Coming in 2013: A Year of Cliff Dwelling for Higher Education
By Terry Hartle

Legal Standpoint
Concerns and Forecasts (and Perhaps a Surprise) from Campus Lawyers
By Lawrence White

Focus on the Presidency
The Shapes of Learning
By Bobby Fong

View from the Board Chair
Succession Planning Is Critical to Leadership Transitions
By Stefan Anderson

A Question For…
John Griswold
What Should We Know About Investments and Endowments?