Trusteeship: July/August

Volume 20,  Number 4   //    July/August 2012

Table of Contents 



Rethinking the Business Model: Responsibilities of Governing Boards

At AGB’s National Conference on Trusteeship, a special panel of higher education leaders explored current challenges and discussed how institutions can respond in the most strategic ways.

Where’s the Learning in Higher Learning?
By Richard P. Keeling and Richard H. Hersh

Even when students can afford to attend college and succeed in graduating, are they learning enough? The co-authors of We’re Losing Our Minds: Rethinking American Higher Education say many aren’t—and suggest what boards can do about the problem.

Prescriptions for Change: Can Ideas from Health Care Cure Higher Education’s Ills?
By Peter D. Eckel

College and health-care leaders recently convened to discuss what higher ed can learn from hard-won changes in the health-care industry. Can costs be reined in? Can quality be improved? Can access be increased?

5 Ways Your Institution Can Be More Cost Effective
By Lucie Lapovsky

To help meet today’s challenges, boards must ask probing questions about how their institutions can operate more cost-effectively and efficiently. That will inevitably involve challenging some of the time-honored assumptions about how campuses do business.

Cutting the Costs of the Competitive Arms Race
By Marcus S. Lingenfelter and Richard L. Pattenaude

Strategies That Strengthen: Lessons from Colleges That Have Struggled
By Alice W. Brown

Many small colleges are struggling and should be contemplating how they will address disruptive technologies, rising operating costs, and other possible threats. Boards can gain insights from the options chosen by those who have faced the future with courage.


On My Agenda
There Are No Winners
By Richard D. Legon

Heat Map
When Your Institution Sues for Patent Infringement
By Jacob H. Rooksby

A Special Column
Governance in the Spotlight: Lessons from the University of Virginia Crisis
By Richard D. Legon

Legal Standpoint
Penn State and Principles of Institutional Governance
By Lawrence White

Trustee Spotlight
Jeanne Swanner Robertson, Elon University

Focus on the Presidency
Engaging Students in the Political Process
By Ronald L. Carter

View from the Board Chair
Fostering Resilience
By Miles C. Collier

A Question For…
Andrew Delbanco
What Is College Really Good For?