Table of ContentsÂ
Fiduciary Behavior: What’s the Responsible Trustee to Do (and Not Do)?
Governing board members bear major and ultimate responsibilities as fiduciaries of the college or university they serve. Calls for increased accountability and recent developments have led to mounting attention to the quality of fiduciary stewardship. What do some of the most distinguished trustees consider to be basic good practice for boards and board members with respect to fiduciary behavior?
Updating Board Bylaws–and Beyond
By Robert M. O’Neil
As a practical matter, a bylaw-less institution simply could not function—and for legal purposes, many vital tasks could not be executed in such a lawless, uncontrolled environment. The issue should never be whether boards need bylaws at all, but rather what elements the bylaws must provide to ensure a productive and functional institutional structure.
Does the Presidential Spouse Have a Role? Should the Role Be Compensated?
By David G. Horner and David A. Williams
The question of whether the presidential spouse should be compensated is one on which everyone has an opinion. Trusteeship magazine asked two people with differing views to weigh in.
How to Review Your Business Model: Some Best Practices
By Rick Staisloff
The changing landscape in higher education is increasingly forcing institutions to examine their long-standing business models and to start making changes. Leading those changes and overcoming internal resistance to them will require strong oversight from governing boards.
Heat Map
Beware of Export-Controlled Items
By Jason Malone and Kevin G. Sullivan
Legal Standpoint
Guns on Campus: What Power Does Your Board Have to Prohibit Them?
By Lawrence White
Focus on the Presidency
Managing Expectations
By Jonathan Gibralter
View from the Board Chair
The Benefits of a Cross-Constituency Approach
By Elizabeth Eveillard
A Question For…
Robert Reich
How Will Education Today Affect the Economy Tomorrow?