Table of ContentsÂ
Meeting the Leadership Challenge: Why the Most Effective Presidents and Chairs Seek Coaches
The idea of professional coaching has real currency in corporate America and is gaining a foothold in higher education, too. Trusteeship asked five experts about their experiences of coaching, and of being coached.
Creating a Cadre of Leaders on College and University Boards
By E.B. Wilson
While the process of thoughtfully determining who will sit around the board table is mandatory for successful board functioning, it is not enough. Boards must also build the necessary policies and practices.
Marshaling the President’s Cabinet for Effective Governance
By Artis Hampshire-Cowan
Even as many boards and presidents seek to enhance their effectiveness and improve governance, they often fail to deploy an important asset in this effort: the president’s cabinet of senior administrators.
Flipping the Boardroom for Trustee Engagement: Why and How
By Cathy Trower
What are some of the realities that affect the engagement of board members and may impede high performance in the boardroom? And how can boards best deal with such roadblocks to good governance?
A “Grow Your Own” Strategy to Develop Administrative Leadership
By Leo M. Lambert
Hiring effective administrative talent in higher education is essential work for presidents and other members of the senior leadership team. And we can do a better job of intentionally cultivating that talent from within.
Legal Standpoint
The Vital Responsibility of Reviewing Contracts
By Lawrence White
Heat Map
Marijuana: The Implications of an Evolving Legal Environment
By Janice M. Abraham
Focus on the Presidency
A Board’s Role in Sustainable Farming and Organic Problem-Solving
By Jonathan Gibralter
View from the Board Chair
Averting a Leadership Crisis
By Sharon Kinsman Salmon
A Question For…
Katty Kay
What is the Global Perspective on U.S. Higher Education?