Table of ContentsÂ
Holistic Admissions: What You Need to Know
By Santa J. Ono
Diverse learning environments help all students thrive and prepare them for an increasingly diverse and globalized work environment. Boards can play a pivotal leadership role in the transition to an equitable admissions process.
Getting Down to Why: How Boards Can Make a Difference
By Ellen-Earle Chaffee
An institution’s purpose—why it exists—should be the core concept underlying institutional strategy. Boards can add considerable strategic value when they partner with the president and administration to help the institution pursue its fundamental purpose.
From a Plan to a Vision
By Nayef H. Samhat and John C. Lefebvre
Strategic plans should not be considered a product but rather part of a long-term dynamic process. Board members need to provide and support opportunities to recognize and reward progress in the implementation of the plan.
Of Boards and the Discourse of Doom
By Daniel R. DeNicola
The higher education landscape is facing many daunting challenges. Boards have an obligation to respond to these with hope and not fear, and to use their voices to reinforce that higher education is a public good.
Awarding Exceptional Board Service
The AGB John W. Nason Award for Board Service recognizes governing boards that have demonstrated exceptional leadership and initiative. This year, AGB is pleased to honor six recipients.
Legal Standpoint
Does the Law Dictate Your Response to Student Protests?
By Lori E. Fox
Focus on the Presidency
Fostering Civil Discourse
By Jonathan R. Alger
View from the Board Chair
Naming—and Solving—the Governance Challenge
By Patricia Jipp Finkelman
A Question For…
Mary Dana Hinton
Why the Imperative for the Liberal Arts?