Trusteeship: March/April
Volume 28, Number 2 // March/April 2020

Table of Contents
Preventing Opioid Overdoses on Campuses: The Naloxone Solution
By Charlotte West
Colleges and universities are grappling with how to tackle the national opioid crisis as it spills onto campuses across the country. Several higher education institutions have initiated efforts to make the opioid antidote—naloxone—more widely available on their campuses and raise awareness of the epidemic so overdose deaths can be prevented.
Trustee Communication Protocols
By Doug Orr
A significant governance leadership challenge for today’s board chair and college president is tending to the diverse array of stakeholder groups that vie for attention. Board leadership must design good communication guidelines for the constantly changing communication web throughout academia.
Shifting Demographics
By Karen Doss Bowman
The freefall of traditional college-age students is already having an impact on higher education and the competition for students will continue to increase and put pressure on universities to prove their value and retain their financial vitality. Some institutions are already finding ways to adapt with the looming student demographic pressure to position themselves for success.
Honor and Responsibility: Five Stewardship Imperatives
By Christopher Merker
Boards have come under increased pressure in recent years to be more purposeful in the how they govern, specifically when it comes to mission and overall governance.
Shared Leadership: The Board-Chair Role
By Gary Wagenheim and Katrina Rogers
Higher education is undergoing significant change due to technological change, globalization, and new economic realities. It is imperative for the board chair and president of an institution to understand their roles as intertwined more than ever and that it is one that requires an intentional alliance united in an explicit leadership philosophy.
Standards for Excellence: How to Fulfill Your Fiduciary Responsibility around Oversight of Your Investment Program
By Nicole W. Kraus and Kenneth I. Grossfield
It is imperative for boards and their investment committees to remain informed about both the portfolio and best practices around endowment management given the fiduciary responsibility they have over the portfolio.
On My Agenda
A Renewed Commitment to Risk Oversight
By Henry Stoever
News in Brief
A sampling of national higher education news
Legal Standpoint
What is the Legal Nature of a University?
By Steve Dunham
Focus on the Presidency
Why We Ended Legacy Admissions at Johns Hopkins
By Ronald J. Daniels
Foundations of Consequence
How Foundation Presidents and CEOs can Work Together
By Greg Willems
Inside AGB
Four New AGB Books Available this Spring
A Question For…
Jeffrey S. Russell
What Do Boards Need to Know About Increasing Access to Higher Education?