Trusteeship: May/June

Volume 19,  Number 3   //    May/June 2011

Table of Contents 



A Stay-Rich View of the New Global Economy

The global economy is undergoing significant structural changes. What are the implications for a college or university’s long-term planning, investment strategies, and many other strategic issues of concern to boards? Experts from AGB’s Foundation Leadership Forum weigh in.

Five Keys to Unlocking the Value of Your Board
By Alice P. Gast and Daniel E. Smith

Trustees bring a variety of experience, wisdom, and achievements to their work on higher-education boards. Lehigh University has identified five ways to tap into those strengths and make the board an increasingly valuable asset.

How Boards and Presidents Influence Credit Ratings
By Karen Kedem

Especially in an environment of limited resources, the ways that colleges are governed and managed are major determinants of their credit ratings. What specific factors does a leading provider of such ratings look for in a board and its operations?

Financial Self-Sufficiency and the Public University
By John T. Casteen III

As state appropriations per student have dropped, public universities have moved toward reliance on other sources of support. The former president of the University of Virginia describes his institution’s experience in successfully raising private funds and how boards can play a vital role

What is the Net Price Calculator? Why do Boards Need to Know about It?
By Lucie Lapovsky

The federal government will soon require higher-education institutions to post a calculator on their Web sites to help students estimate what they will have to pay for college. That new requirement gives boards an opportunity to ensure their institution’s financial-aid policies align with its mission.


T’Ship 101 
Wanted: Good Interpreters
By Bryant L. Cureton

Legal Standpoint 
What the New and Invigorated Americans with Disabilities Act Means for Boards
By Lawrence White

Focus on the Presidency
Presidents and Corporate Board Service
By Graham Spanier

View from the Board Chair 
Shared Lessons about the Board Chair’s Challenges
By Lyn Trodahl Chynoweth

What’s on Board Agendas?

A Question For… 
What Does the “Federalization” of Accreditation Mean for Boards and Institutions?
By Judith Eaton