Trusteeship: May/June

Volume 25,  Number 3   //    May/June 2017

Table of Contents 



New Dimensions: Finding Depth with a Smaller Board
By Paul LeBlanc

A smaller board with fewer committee meetings can allow the entire board to focus more on strategic priorities and truly become the president’s thought-partners.

The Mindfulness Gap
By Charlotte M. Roberts and Martha W. Summerville

Mindful boards don’t just think about organizational survival, but also the institution’s long-term impacts on the campus community and society at large.

Under Pressure: The Growing Demand for Student Mental Health Services
By Lee Burdette Williams

Today’s students face greater mental health challenges, and are under more stress, than their predecessors. How should institutions respond?

Here Comes the Golden Age of Higher Education
By Ed Johnson and Molly Corbett Broad

Globalization and market forces have changed higher education from a “bridge” to a better life to a “gate” through which citizens must pass or be left behind.

Getting on Board: How Presidents and Trustees Can Build Successful Strategies
By Scott D. Miller

Underlying all successful colleges and universities are presidents and campus teams who excel, empowering the entire educational community to honor and promote the institutional mission.


Legal Standpoint
What Is Higher Education Law?
By Steve Dunham

Focus on the Presidency
Transitioning from the 60,000-Foot View
By William J. Lennox Jr.

View from the Board Chair
Trustee-Faculty Relations in a Time of Stress
By Allan E. Keen

A Question For…
By Rich Karlgaard
What Is the Transient Competitive Edge?