Trusteeship: November/December
Volume 28, Number 6 // November/December 2020

Table of Contents
Enrollment Effects
By Charlotte West
Colleges and universities have been facing demographic shifts of traditional college-age students for several years, but now enrollment changes are even greater due to the novel coronavirus pandemic. Enrollment managers across the United States are tackling changes related to declining international enrollment, COVID-19’s disproportionate impact on low-income students and students of color, and an increased focus on retention of current students.
The Conversation Trustees Must Have: Higher Education after the Crises of 2020
By Genevieve G. Shaker and William M. Plater
Governing boards are essential in maintaining and rebuilding the system of postsecondary education following the crises of 2020. In this unknown future, trustees must adopt flexible plans that ensure their institutional responses to transformative changes align not only with the common good, but also address financial, reputation, and moral exigencies in the process.
In Crisis, Sustain Trust
By Amanda Walker
During crises, governing boards and presidents are constantly working towards building and sustaining stakeholders’ trust. COVID-19 is no exception. Sustaining trust in higher education leadership requires thorough risk management, strategic leadership, and firm commitments to the principles of empathy, honesty, and accountability.
Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter to Foundation Boards
By Robert J. Nava
America’s national reckoning with systemic racism heightens demands for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) at universities, colleges, and their affiliated foundations. Luckily, foundation boards are uniquely positioned to help their host institutions reflect and act in a practice manner in support of their institutional commitment to DE&I.
Ransomware: The Silent Killer
By Bob Barker
For COVID-19 and Climate Change, Delay is the Enemy
By Sarah Wilson and Allison Spector
On My Agenda
Trust as a Strategic Asset
By Henry Stoever
News in Brief
A sampling of national higher education news
Inside AGB
Foundation Leadership Forum in January 2021 Goes Virtual
Legal Standpoint
Racism and the Law on Campus
By Steve Dunham
What’s in a Search? Reflections from a Black Millennial Who Chaired a Research-1 University Presidential Search
By Abdul M. Omari
Focus on the Presidency
Harambee, an Alternative for College Leaders
By Roger Hull
A Question For…
Christopher R. Marsicano, founding director of the College Crisis Initiative (C2i)
What is the College Crisis Initiative (C2i)?