Table of ContentsÂ
Stress Testing: How Can You Ensure Your Institution’s Fiscal Health?
By Stephen G. Pelletier
These days, finances at most colleges and universities are stretched nearly to the breaking point. By what meters and metrics can board members best gauge an institution’s fiscal health?
Artists, Athletes, and Governing Boards: Who Plays and Who Wins?
By John Gerdy
America needs to have an open, honest dialogue about the role of football in our nation in the 21st century. Higher education should foster that discussion, and college and university board members should drive and direct it.
The Import and Export of American Higher Ed—and Its Governance
By Jill Derby and Joseph Burke
The higher education sector has developed into an international marketplace. While American college and university leaders have historically paid close attention to regional and national trends, it is time for them to begin paying attention to what is happening on the international level of higher education.
Taking a Chance on Change: Universal Study Abroad at a Small Liberal-Arts College
By Sanford J. Ungar
The former president of Goucher College shares his experiences implementing a new policy requiring students to study abroad at least once before graduation.
The Board’s View Beyond the U.S.: Tales from Two Institutions — Lebanese American University and CETYS in Mexico
By Paul Boulos, Joseph G. Jabbra, and Fernando León GarcÃa
A growing number of colleges and universities abroad are governed according to the American model, with its tradition of independent boards of citizen trustees. Both Centro de Enseñanza Técnica y Superior (CETYS) in Mexico and the Lebanese American University in Beirut have worked especially hard to strengthen and engage their boards.
Legal Standpoint
Two Seismic Developments in Wage and Hour Law
By Lawrence White
Focus on the Presidency
Forging a Seamless Partnership
By Thomas F. Flynn
View from the Board Chair
The Challenge of Change
By Regina M. Millner
A Question For…Â
Robert M. O’Neil
Can College Athletes Form a Union?