William Kirwan, PhD is a nationally recognized authority on critical issues shaping the higher education landscape. Prior to his 13 years as chancellor of the University System of Maryland, Kirwan served as president of Ohio State University for four years and president of the University of Maryland, College Park for 10 years. He was also a member of the University of Maryland faculty for 24 years. A respected academic leader, Kirwan is a sought-after speaker on a wide range of topics, including access and affordability, cost containment, diversity, innovation, higher education’s role in economic development, and academic transformation. Along with his national and international presentations on key issues, he has authored many articles on issues in higher education and has been profiled and cited in academic and mainstream publications.
Professional Credentials
Kirwan earned his BA degree from the University of Kentucky and his MA and PhD from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. He is past chair of the American Council for Higher Education, the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, the American Association of Colleges & Universities, the Business Higher Education Forum, and the National Research Council Board on Higher Education and Workforce, among other boards. He also served as the co-chair and chair of Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics from 2004 to 2016. Among other honors, he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2002 and received the 2010 TIAA-CREF Institute Theodore M. Hesburgh Leadership Excellence Award.