Align missions to improve outcomes for students, institutions, and communities.
For more than 100 years, AGB has championed advocacy, research, leading practices, educational resources, expert support, and renowned programs that advance board excellence. By working with AGB, your organization gains a trusted higher education partner to impact boards and leaders from 2,000 institutions and institutionally related foundations, representing more than 10 million full-time enrolled students.
Join us in contributing to the vibrancy of higher education, inclusive democracy, and a flourishing society.
Why focus on higher education
boards and leadership?
Strong higher education institutions start with great governing boards. The board sets the mission, strategic direction, and policies while ensuring accountability and advocating for the institution’s value and public trust. By working through the board and senior leadership, your organization can address substantive higher education issues such as:

Student success, the student experience, and campus climate

Academic freedom and freedom of speech

Educational affordability and attainment

Educational innovation and digital transformation

Leadership development and optimization
Work with us.
Guide boards and senior leaders in addressing strategic outcomes and opportunities. Get started by contacting us at or submitting the form below.