New President Toolkit

How to use this toolkit.

Every new college and university presidency involves transition as the past president departs and the new chief executive’s tenure begins. But how successfully the transition unfolds depends on how well the new president is able to establish productive relationships with the board, the administration, and the faculty, staff, and students. And how well the board and administration plan for this pivotal moment may determine the success of the presidency.

AGB understands that establishing these relationships is critical to assisting presidents and their boards—and institutionally related foundations of public institutions—in charting a smooth trajectory for the president’s early initiatives and beyond.

To that end, AGB has developed the New President Toolkit, which includes a host of resources that enable the new president to hit the ground running and chart a course for their institution that ensures well-being and sustainability. Take the following steps to get started.

  1. Schedule an executive committee meeting to discuss toolkit resources. (Note: An AGB facilitator can walk you through the items in this toolkit. Contact AGB Consulting for more information and assistance.)
  2. Discuss how the president and board might work together to implement lessons learned and recommendations from this toolkit.
  3. Follow up with AGB for coaching. AGB experts offer ongoing support to help presidents work effectively with the board and make an impact.

Understand why it’s important for the board to support new presidents, offer advice, and align expectations, according to Mary Papazian, PhD, AGB executive vice president.

Presidents, Boards, and Board Chairs

AGB Trusteeship Magazine November/December 2014 with cover article
The President-Board Chair Relationship

Trusteeship Magazine article from November/December 2014

Board Chair-President Relations

Blog Post
by Merrill P. Schwartz

AGB book
The Governance Committee: Public Institutions

Appendix A: Illustrative Statement of Commitment and Responsibilities

by Carol Cartwright

Effective Board Chairs: A Guide for University and College Chairs

Chapter 2: Essential Responsibilities for Board Chairs, Section 3: Establish a Mutually Supportive Relationship with the President

by Jeffrey B. Trammell

A President’s Guide to Effective Board Leadership

Executive Summary

by William E. Troutt

The Presidency

AGB Trusteeship Magazine, July/August 2017 with cover article
The 21st-Century Presidency: A Call to Enterprise Leadership

Trusteeship magazine article from July/August 2017
by Terrence MacTaggart

Assessing and Developing College and University Presidents

Chapter Five: Developing Enterprise Leaders

by Terrence MacTaggart

A Complete Guide to Presidential Search for Universities and Colleges, Second Edition

Chapter 14: Launching a New Presidency

Edited by Joseph S. Johnston Jr. and James P. Ferrare

Key Responsibilities

Fundraising Campaigns Book Cover Thumbnail
Fundraising Campaigns in Higher Education: A Practical Guide for Governing and Foundation Boards

Chapter 13: Board Member Roles

Edited by John Lippincott and Tom Mitchell

Book cover of
Understanding Enrollment Management: A Guide for College and University Board Members

Chapter Three: Enrollment Management and Institutional Mission

by Don Hossler and Jerome A. Lucido

AGB Trusteeship Magazine March/April 2015 with cover article
Marshaling the President’s Cabinet for Effective Governance

Trusteeship magazine article from March/April 2015
by Artis Hampshire-Cowan

Contact AGB.

To learn how AGB can further support your president and board, please contact 202-776-0865 or Or use this contact form.