Unions and Students Trusteeship Article

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Diversifying the Governing Board AGB Reports

This project is a follow-up to AGB’s most recent board composition survey, Policies, Practices, and Composition of Governing Boards of Colleges, Universities, and Institutionally Related Foundations 2021(https://agb.org/product/policies-practices-composition-2021/). In that survey,…


College and the Job Market Today Trusteeship Article

…Endnotes 1. Jennifer Cheeseman Day and Anthony Martinez, “Does Majoring in STEM Lead to a STEM Job After Graduation?”, (America Counts: Stories, U.S. Census Bureau 2 June 2021), https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/06/does-majoring-in-stem-lead-to-stem-job-after-graduation.html. 2….