Trusteeship: November/December

Volume 30,  Number 6   //    November/December 2022

Table of Contents 




Mission Possible
By Wendy Fischman and Howard Gardner

Two recognized authorities on education and learning share insights from their unprecedented study of American colleges and universities. Based on interviews with more than 2,000 students, faculty, administrators, parents, young alumni, job recruiters, and trustees, their research examines what higher education is and what it can be.

The College of the Future, Part II
By David Tobenkin

The second of a two-part examination of innovation and emerging trends in higher education. Topics include strategic planning, leadership and examples of experimentation, innovation, flexibility, alignment, transitions, student support, and equity.

Building and Protecting Institutional Reputation
By Sue Cunningham

Trust is at the heart of the word “trustee.” Collective efforts that focus on the value of higher education as a whole—including adhering to a respected group of standard ethics and practices—encourage deeper affinity, connections, and community in support of educational institutions. Learn how the new Global Reporting Standards published by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) can help your institution adhere to consistent standards to protect its reputation and donor relationships.

A Matter of Basics
By Charlotte West

Research has shown that basic needs insecurity can have a negative impact on student academic performance and mental health, an area that eight out of ten college presidents have said is more of a priority on their campuses. With leadership from trustees, colleges and universities are creating solutions to address student needs.


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Advancing Digital Transformation in Higher Education
By Jennifer Sparrow

Institutions increasingly find that digital transformation is key to modernizing all aspects of mission delivery, supporting the continuity of teaching and learning, connecting the campus community, and guarding institutional knowledge and data. Cloud technologies can provide the 21st Century experience that today’s learners expect.


Departments and Columns


On My Agenda
Institutional Vitality in an Era of Student Debt Crisis
By Henry Stoever

News in Brief
A sampling of national higher education news

Inside AGB

  • AGB Welcomes New Board Members
  • Announces Move to New Offices

Legal Standpoint
Why Law Matters
By Steve Dunham, JD

University Leaders Must Take Responsibility for Diversity in Faculty Hiring on Their Campuses
By Marybeth Gasman

The Wounded Campus
Recovering Core Values in Turbulent Times
By William Laramee

Foundations of Consequence
Good Governance
How Foundations CEOs and Boards Can Build Strong Partnerships Based on Trust and Mutual Respect
By Emily Schuster

View from the Board Chair
How a Culture of Innovation Led to a Board Restructuring at Butler University
By Keith Faller

In Memoriam
Remembering Susan Whealler Johnston