Table of ContentsÂ
The College of the Future, Part One
By David Tobenkin
The COVID Pandemic created challenges and opportunities for the future of higher education. As institutions grapple with the impact of hybrid learning, new competition, and demands for lower costs, colleges and universities are exploring new narratives to create the college of the future.
American Democracy Is in Jeopardy:
A Call to Higher Education Governing Boards
By Henry Stoever
America’s place in the world has been advanced immeasurably by world-class colleges and universities that graduate an educated citizenry, yet external threats could severely limit their ability to serve our country and its strategic interests. Governing boards and institutions have the most powerful means to address them.
The Effective Hybrid Board
By Thomas K. Hyatt
The COVID pandemic mandated a hybrid approach to most everything—including how boards will collaborate and work together going forward.
Today’s College Students
What Boards Need to Know
By Lisa Foss
The future of higher education lies in its students. Do you know the characteristics of three meta trends that are shaping enrollment trends and college and university business models throughout the United States? This careful analysis provides critical information for higher education leaders.
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Endowment Spending Policy
Often Overlooked but Critical to Long Term Success
By Anthony Peretore and Rachel Clivaz
Spending is the only permanent link between the endowment and the institution it supports. Investment committees should review policies annually with these considerations in mind.
Departments and Columns
On My Agenda
Overseeing Institutional Identity
By Henry Stoever
News in Brief
A sampling of national higher education news
- AGB Board of Directors Elects New Officers
Legal Standpoint
Guidelines for Legal and Risk Reporting to the Board of Trustees
By Steve Dunham, JD
Foundations of Consequence
A Forward-Looking Strategy for Inclusive Philanthropy
By David Bass
Focus on the Presidency
Building and Rebuilding Terra Firma
By Anne F. Harris
Cries of Confidence
By Terrence MacTaggart
Is Your Campus Prepared to Help Students Find Their Footing?
By David Huntley