Preparing for Crises:
A Crisis Leadership Toolkit

How to use this toolkit.

Effective crisis management is not only about responding to emergencies but also about proactive preparation and planning. This toolkit is designed to equip boards with the essential strategies and practices needed to anticipate, manage, and lead beyond crises.

Drawing from Crisis Leadership for Boards and Presidents by Terrence MacTaggart, this toolkit offers practical checklists, scenario-based exercises, and guidelines to help boards ensure they are well-prepared to protect their institutions and uphold their mission when crises occur.

This toolkit is part of a series of resources to help your board and leadership anticipate crises:

Related resources.

Crisis Leadership for Boards and Presidents

Crisis Leadership for Boards and Presidents

Anticipating, Managing, and Leading Beyond Pandemics, Disruptions, and Ethical Failures

Terrence MacTaggart, 2020 | Book

This book is a how-to guide designed to enable boards of trustees and presidents to lead their institutions through major crises. Terrence MacTaggart describes the kinds of crises common in the higher ed sector and offers practical advice to boards and leaders on how to anticipate crises before they occur, how to prepare for the unavoidable ones, and how to navigate crises once they appear. And as his use of illustrative cases makes clear—they will inevitably appear. Ultimately, the key takeaway: Make the best use of a crisis to build a more alert, sensitive, and resilient board and leadership culture moving forward.