Trusteeship: July/August

Volume 29,  Number 4   //    July/August 2021

Table of Contents 




Winning Amazon HQ2
By Christopher Connell

With Amazon’s second headquarters up for grabs, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)—and its institutionally related foundation, the Virginia Tech Foundation—were ready. This is the story about how the university and its foundation played a key role in Northern Virginia winning the nationwide competition for Amazon’s second headquarters

Top Public Policy Issues for Higher Education 
By Stephen G. Pelletier

AGB recently released the Top Public Policy Issues for Higher Education 2021–2022. The resource serves to outline and predict what public policy decisions most likely will affect higher education in the next two years. As fiduciaries, board members have a responsibility to understand the effects of public policies on their students, institutions, and the broader higher education landscape.

Board Restructuring to Eliminate Silos at a Small Liberal Arts Institution
By Nancy Berner and Eric Hartman

The University of the South (familiarly known as Sewanee) was facing transactional board meetings and siloed presentations that precluded deep conversation by its board. Institutional leaders decided that board committee restructuring was in order, and two years later, lessons learned are revealed in this case study.


Collaborative Combinations: Charting a Strategic Path to Student Success and Institutional Sustainability
By Christine Smith and Raina Rose Tagle

Design for Affordability: How Can Your Institution Advance Affordability and Financial Sustainability Goals?
By Laura Yaeger and Mark Finlan


On My Agenda

Strategic Foresight Through Data-Driven Insights
By Henry Stoever

News in Brief 
A sampling of national higher education news 

Inside AGB 
A President’s Guide to Effective Board Leadership
Business Models Under Stress: Achieving Graceful Transitions in Higher Education
Cyber Risk Handbook for Higher Education: Key Principles and Practical Guidance for Governing Boards
Policies, Practices, and Composition 
of Governing and Foundation Boards 2021

Legal Standpoint 
Top 10 Legal Issues Boards Should Know
By Steve Dunham

The Consolidation Era in Higher Education: Affiliations vs. Mergers
By Rick Beyer

From the Board Chair 
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: What’s a Board to Do?
By Elizabeth Hardy Noe

A Question For… 
Eileen B. Wilson-Oyelaran, PhD
Why Is Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Critical for Boards?
By Elena Loveland