April 20, 2023 – Watch this Webinar On Demand for a discussion with Baker Tilly’s higher education risk professionals to explore the power of a risk-based internal audit program.
March 7, 2023 – Watch this Webinar On Demand and learn about the essential conversations board members, presidents, and CFOs should engage in to kick-start strategic thinking and sure-handed action that together can rejuvenate the vitality of the institution’s business model.
Strategic Conversations for Small College and University Governing Boards and Administrative Leaders | In this highly disruptive and uncertain period for higher education, while governing boards and the senior leadership of colleges and universities may be fulfilling their roles conscientiously, their efforts may not be enough to ensure the long-term viability of their institution’s business model.
In the digital age, higher education institutions must guard against a complex array of risks, from data breaches to ransomware attacks. Designed specifically for members of college and university governing boards and to strengthen board capacity for effective oversight in this increasingly important area, this publication provides a basic overview of cybersecurity threats facing higher education institutions and what can be done to guard against them. It addresses the development of a cybersecurity strategy, regulatory compliance, incident response, and risk management.