Trusteeship: January/February

Volume 28,  Number 1   //    January/February 2020

Table of Contents



Safeguarding Ethics in College Admissions
By Charlotte West 

With college admissions coming under public scrutiny, boards of trustees need to understand their institutions’ enrollment management practices now more than ever.  

Stronger Together: Building Better Relationships Between Foundations and Universities
By Christopher Connell  

Institutionally Related Foundations and the universities they are connected to can accomplish more with a good relationship. When there is collaboration, strong ties with foundations can yield more than endowments: the local community can benefit and alumni can be more engaged with the institution overall.  

High-Performance Governance Is All About the Quality of the Questions Asked
By William Donaldson and Joseph G. Burke  

The ability to ask the most consequential questions about strategic institutional issues is the major characteristic of high-performance governance 

To Improve New Board Member Orientation, Flip It!
By Julie E. Wollman and Katie Herschede 

Colleges and universities have the power to model board orientations on what effective professors are already doing—by flipping their classrooms and providing hands-on experiences for new trustees.  


How Can Trustees Achieve Intergenerational Equity in the Face of Rising Costs?
By Cathleen Rittereiser 

The Commonfund Higher Education Price Index® (HEPI) is an inflation index for colleges and universities. This article explains why and how the HEPI matters to trustees and how they can and should employ it to achieve intergenerational equity. 


On My Agenda 
Six Principles of Strategic Board Leadership
By Henry Stoever

News in Brief 
A sampling of national higher education news 

Legal Standpoint  
Changing Roles of Higher Education Lawyers
By Steve Dunham

When Will They Ever Learn? 
A former college president’s view on what trustees needs to know about fulfilling their fiduciary duties
By Roger Hull

Focus on the Presidency 
Relational Leadership
By Tom Sullivan

Foundations of Consequence
New Year Brings Significant Challenges for College and University Foundations
By Cheri E. O’Neill

View from the Board Chair  
So, You’re the Board Chair
By Cathy A. Trower

Inside AGB 
AGB Announces New Membership Benefits
Trusteeship Launches a New Digital Edition
New AGB Podcast Released
New Guardians Briefs
Third Annual
Trustee Index Released  

A Question For
Cherilyn Murer 
What is Important in a Presidential Search for an International University?