Migrating from a Legacy Board Portal 

Upcoming Webinar
August 8, 2:00–3:00 PM ET

Moving on can be tough, especially when it comes time for a change in technology.

Many higher education boards find themselves in a world of outdated third-party board portals, paper packets, and PDFs. This array of board management tools can take away from thoughtful deliberation and leave the board spending much of its time on administrative management.

Join Heather Fehn, vice president, chief of staff, and secretary to the board of trustees at The College of New Jersey; Martha Tassiello, executive director of presidential and board operations at Adelphi University; and Matt Maxwell, senior consultant at AGB OnBoard, in a discussion on moving away from the chaos of legacy board platforms, PDFs, and Word documents into true board intelligence.

During this session, you will learn more about:

  • Moving from a legacy board portal to a board intelligence platform
  • Tackling the challenges of going from a PDF/Word document to a board management portal
  • Addressing concerns prior to the transition
  • Utilizing best practices and easing the challenges of a transition


Heather Fehn, vice president, chief of staff, and secretary to the board of trustees, The College of New Jersey
Martha Tassiello, executive director of presidential and board operations, Adelphi University
Matt Maxwell, senior consultant, AGB OnBoard

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