AGB Trusteeship Magazine with cover article: Fiduciary Behavior" March/April 201374

Fiduciary Behavior Trusteeship Article

…I would encourage much more discussion between board chairs and presidents on how to enhance board performance. Michaelson: May I suggest a different slant? I’ve observed over the years presidents…

AGB Trusteeship Magazine:The Rules of Attraction: Enrolling Students in (and for) the 21st Century - September/October 201377

The Rules of Attraction Trusteeship Article

…an ongoing discussion, said Jackson. The board recently approved a substantial capital investment of technology for an online nursing program. “I just applaud the effort of looking at alternatives to…


Trusteeship for the Common Good Trusteeship Article

…300 African Americans were brutally murdered, Meiklejohn asked, “Which shall it be—an Anglo-Saxon aristocracy…or a Democracy?” Later in the speech, he unequivocally asserted, “I cast my Anglo-Saxon vote for Pure…