AGB President and CEO Update: How is a Board Like a Helicopter? Video

…this video, you will hear Ellen Chaffee, PhD, AGB Interim President and CEO, discuss how a board is like a helicopter. [nectar_video_lightbox link_style=”play_button_2″ nectar_play_button_color=”Extra-Color-1″ image_url=”57227″ hover_effect=”zoom_button” box_shadow=”none” border_radius=”none” play_button_size=”default” video_url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWuYmIjO86U”]…

Boardroom Conversations: What Are Our Dashboard Indicators and Benchmarks? Page

…(Blog). December 14, 2020. https://www.bakertilly.com/insights/fiscal-resiliency-tips-and-tools-for-effective-modeling. Bichsel, Jacqueline. Analytics in Higher Education: Benefits, Barriers, Progress, and Recommendations. (Research Report). Louisville, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, August 2012. http://www.educause.edu/ecar. Council of…

Boardroom Conversations: Do We Have a Working Knowledge of Our Business Model? Page

…and University Business Officers. Economic Models Project Journey. https://www.nacubo.org/leadership-initiatives/economic-models-project. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Baldridge Performance Excellence Program. https://www.nist.gov/baldrige/core-values-and-concepts, created September 24, 2019, updated April 19, 2021. Reishus, Sharon….

2023 Foundation Leadership Forum App Page

…access the most up-to-date schedule, connect with colleagues, build a personal agenda, and more. Find and download the “2023 Foundation Forum” app from the Apple or Google Play store. Get…

In Memoriam: Tom Ingram Page

…I knew a lot about the public sector of higher education when I began at AGB, but Tom made me realize that there was much more I could and should…