Organizations’ Vulnerabilities—Their Achilles’ Heel—and Proactive Mitigation Strategies Blog Post

…https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cyber-solarwinds-microsoft-idUSKBN2AF03R. 10 “A second hacking group has targeted SolarWinds systems,” ZDNet. Available from https://www.zdnet.com/article/a-second-hacking-group-has-targeted-solarwinds-systems. 11 “Ransomware WannaCry: All you need to know,” Kaspersky. Available from https://www.kaspersky.co.uk/resource-center/threats/ransomware-wannacry. 12 “Costs and Consequences…


A Question For Jon DeVaan Trusteeship Article

A new administration in Washington and a Republican-controlled Congress may bring significant changes to the treatment of college and university endowments. Jon DeVaan, board chair of the Oregon State University…


College and the Job Market Today Trusteeship Article

…Qualities Employers Value Most in Their New Hires” (Bethlehem, Pa., 2014). 20. Colleen Flaherty, “What Employers Want” Inside Higher Ed (April 6, 2021), https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2021/04/06/aacu-survey-finds-employers-want-candidates-liberal-arts-skills-cite-preparedness. 21. National Association of Colleges and…


What’s Your Viewpoint (Survey)? Blog Post

…value higher education anymore!” “I’m severely allergic and would require an ADA accommodation allowing me to teach online full-time.” “My dorm-mates can barely look after themselves. I’d be scared for…


The Role of Governing Boards in Ensuring Educational Quality Trusteeship Article

…Inside Higher Ed, July 6, 2021, https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2021/07/07/nikole-hannah-jones-rejects-tenure-offer-unc-job-howard-u. 5. Lauren Coffey, “University of California Takes Another Look at Online Education,” Inside Higher Ed, January 9, 2024, https://www.insidehighered.com/news/tech-innovation/teaching-learning/2024/01/09/university-california-system-considers-online. 6. Association of Public…