The 2024 Nason Award Honorees: Four Boards That Made a Difference Trusteeship Article

[nectar_video_lightbox link_style=”play_button_2″ nectar_play_button_color=”Default-Accent-Color” image_url=”56793″ hover_effect=”defaut” box_shadow=”none” border_radius=”none” play_button_size=”default” video_url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quyCyruzjNk”] Each year, AGB honors higher education boards that have demonstrated board excellence. These are the four recipients of the 2023–2024 AGB…


Canada and U.S. International Student Flows and Majors Blog Post

…down on diploma mill schools exploiting international students,” January 23, 2024, Retrieved January 23, 2024 from https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/provinces-cracking-down-on-private-institutions-1.7091194. 10. See Table 1, created by author using the following data sources: Canada:…


A Nation at Risk Trusteeship Article

…and their families… I do want to recognize that I am implicitly challenging us—the higher education community—to do something that historically we haven’t been very good at…We have a tendency—as…


Why ROI Matters Trusteeship Article

…1100), https://www.bls.gov/opub/reports/race-and-ethnicity/2021/home.htm. 15. Elise Gould, “8 Years of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act,” Economic Policy Institute Working Economics Blog, January 27, 2017, https://www.epi.org/blog/8-years-of-the-lilly-ledbetter-fair-pay-act/. 16. Abbie Langston, Juston Scoggins, and…


Mind the Civil-Military Gap Trusteeship Article

…Sending Other People’s Children to War,” Inside Higher Ed, November 10, 2020, https://www.insidehighered.com/views/2020/11/11/we-should-stop-sending-other-peoples-children-war-opinion. 17. American Council on Education, The Ace Military Guide, https://www.acenet.edu/Programs-Services/Pages/Credit-Transcripts/Military-Guide-Online.aspx. 18. National Association of Student Personnel Administrators,…


What Boards Need to Know about Online Opportunities Trusteeship Article

…Professional Degrees,” Justin Reich and José A. Ruipérez-Valiente, Science, Jan. 11, 2019, https://www.science.org/ doi/10.1126/science.aav7958, https://joseruiperez.me/papers/journals/2019_Science_ MOOCPivot_postprint.pdf 12. CouncilofIndependentCollegesOnlineCourseSharingConsortium,https://www.cic. edu/member-services/online-course-sharing-consortium 13. “Turning Point for Digital Curricula: Educational Resources in U.S. Higher…


Optimism Bias: How It Can Impact Decision Making on Boards Trusteeship Article

…“Boards as Game Changers,” Trusteeship, March/April 2011, 14–19. 3. Doug Lederman, “Clay Christensen, Doubling Down,” Inside Higher Ed, April 28, 2017, https://www.insidehighered.com/digital-learning/article/2017/04/28/clay-christensen-sticks-predictions-massive-college-closures. 4. Virginia Sapiro, “When the End Comes,” Boston…

Trusteeship Magazine May/June 2022 Issue with cover article "Drastic Pivots for Success"19

Reducing Risk and Increasing Student Retention Through Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention and Threat Assessment Services Trusteeship Article

…Summary at https://www.acha.org/documents/ncha/NCHA-III_Fall_2020_Reference_Group_Executive_Summary_updated.pdf. 2. Tracking the COVID-19 economy’s effects on food, housing, and employment hardships. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (n.d.). Available online at https://www.cbpp.org/research/poverty-and-inequality/tracking-the-covid-19-economys-effects-on-food-housing-and. 3. Ibid. 4. The…


Philanthropy in Higher Education Trusteeship Article

…for the Advancement and Support of Education, Voluntary Support of Education: Trends in Alumni Giving, April 2019, 9, https://www.case.org/system/files/media/file/Alumni%20Giving%20April%202019_8-16-19.pdf. 10. The prominent Effective Altruism movement is an exception. See Peter…