AGB President & CEO Update: The Fate of Higher Education Depends on Quality Board Governance Blog Post, CEO Update

Happy New Year! I invite you to view this month’s CEO update, which focuses on your AGB in 2024. [nectar_video_lightbox link_style=”play_button_2″ nectar_play_button_color=”Extra-Color-1″ image_url=”53825″ hover_effect=”zoom_button” box_shadow=”none” border_radius=”none” play_button_size=”default” video_url=”https://youtu.be/7YprD6ePCVY”] Click here…


Foundation CEO Toolkit Toolkit

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The Return on Governance Blog Post

…driving widespread regime change across the global economy and financial markets. From high inflation and supply chain disruption to banking crises, the complexity of today’s backdrop has brought new tests…